Guide Your Benefits Program Selection with Population Health Data

Program selection is often triggered by potential savings shown for closing gaps in care or assuring highly prevalent conditions could be managed by behavioral or lifestyle change interventions to slow the progression of disease and reduce cost.

Let’s explore how Springbuk does the heavy lifting for you – so you can focus on identifying the key cost drivers and help determine programs to include in next year’s plan to mitigate disease risk and optimize monthly plan spend.

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Initiate Program Selection with Data-driven Direction

As you move from laying the framework for your plan design to picking the programs to invest in, a good question to ask is “Which programs or point solutions will support the needs of my workforce?"

Springbuk Insights™ distills your data and curates direction on the next steps you can act on today by driving immediate impact through the identification of gaps in care

The curated cards on your Insights dashboard will help generate a framework of where to focus your initiatives. For example, you might click into one of the Chronic Gaps in Care for diabetes cards that:

Identifies 2500 members in your population with a diabetic gap in care, demonstrating an opportunity for $3 million in plan savings

With the diabetic management opportunity in focus, Springbuk goes the extra mile to equip you with curated strategies for your target population, such as:

Closing compliance gaps to avoid future high costs due to flare-ups and chronic conditions or creating incentives to assure members receive the necessary checkups for chronic conditions

Empowering Your Benefits Moments in Time

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Each year, there are pivotal moments in your benefits calendar that require you to make key decisions that will optimize your health investment. Whether you’re preparing for renewal season or evaluating a plan design change mid-year, Springbuk makes it possible to ensure your healthcare and benefits program decisions are backed and guided by data.

1. Implement Plan Design Changes:

With each plan design change you consider, is data guiding your decision-making?

2. Program and Vendor Selections:

Do you have the data needed to understand which programs will support your workforce?

3. Measure the Impact of Programs:

Which metrics can you use to track program engagement identify opportunities?