Manage Increasing Health Costs Through Actionable Data

Every year, you're tasked with maximizing your organization's investment in employee health benefits. To accomplish this, you need tools to identify cost trends, understand current needs, and plan for the months ahead. Springbuk eliminates guesswork by providing the insights you need to manage financial risk and assess the performance of your health benefits programs.

See it in Action
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Extend & Customize Your Monthly Spend Reporting

Monthly reporting has always been critical for understanding emerging trends.
Now you can identify and report on top drivers of previous, current, and future
spend in a single place.

Report on What's Important to You

Easily access familiar analytics with the ability to drill into total medical and Rx claims spend, top procedures, diagnoses, and drugs, as well as claims cost breakdown.

Mitigate Surprise Spend Increases

Leverage advanced trend exploration to help identify unexpected cost sources and forecast their impact on your organization or your clients' businesses.

Optimize Costs and Improve Employee Health

Uncover hidden compliance gaps to refine your strategy, re-engage employees or client populations, and ultimately lower monthly healthcare spend.

Better Insights, Better Support

Our platform also enables sophisticated analytics through Springbuk Advanced Reports, offering further flexibility, accessibility, and customization for important data-driven decisions about your members or your client’s members.For example, when looking at the Financial and Enrollment Report, you can drill into:

Membership Claims Distribution

  • Illustrate the distribution of members by spending categories, including both medical and pharmacy spend
  • Show the distribution of plan paid and member paid amounts by spending category

Forecasted Membership Claims

  • Visualize the impact of forecasted costs by spending category
  • Illustrate the number of members in each forecasted spending category, along with forecasted total paid amount

Claims Trends

  • View a rolling 12-month history of medical and pharmacy claims
  • Display the average spend over time
  • Visualize the monthly breakdown of medical and pharmacy claims by member paid, plan paid, and total plan paid amounts

Make Confident, Data-Driven Benefits Vendor Selections

A consulting firm had been actively working with their client’s Health and Wellness Committee to justify the cost for a wellness vendor but lacked the data sets needed to receive buy-in.

The firm worked with the Springbuk Analytic and Strategic Consulting team to build a custom risk factor analysis that  underlined various compliance gaps and opportunities to mitigate the risk of future disease.

For the first time, the client’s Health and Wellness Committee had the information needed to bring on a wellness vendor.

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