Springbuk Timeline

Visualize and share the impact of your health initiatives with Springbuk Timeline™.
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Understand What Drives the Greatest Impact

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With Springbuk Timeline™, you can say goodbye to uncertainty around whether your benefit plan changes are improving members’ health. For the first time, you can visually demonstrate the impact of implemented programs and strategies by comparing metrics against your recent actions.

Want to monitor program success across multiple metrics?

Timeline equips you with the tools to track multiple metrics in your population such as: Utilization of ER, inpatient, and outpatient services.

Need to analyze program impact across client populations?

Create cohorts of employees engaged in your clients' health programs and compare metrics over time to evaluate the impact on different population segments.

Looking to streamline how you present program success?

Quickly create custom reports demonstrating the potential impact of health initiatives and benefit changes you have implemented for members.

Showcase Program Impact Clearly

For the first time, you can visually illustrate the impact of programs and strategies you've implemented for clients by comparing health metrics against their recent actions, validating the effectiveness of your guidance.

Pinpoint Shifts in Utilization

If you noticed an increase in ER utilization for non-urgent visits, you could take action by implementing an increased ER copay.

Deliver the Best Employee Experience Possible

After the copay had gone into effect, you'd want to see how the number of ER visits per 1,000 members changed.

Monitor and Report on Program Impact

Know when to re-engage with your population to keep members on track with health-related behaviors.

Increase Engagement and Mitigate Future Disease Risk

When analyzing an employer's aggregate data in Springbuk Insights™, a consulting team team noticed a large compliance gap in mammogram screenings – only 66% of the population had completed this screening. In this client success story, learn how Springbuk empowered the consulting team and their client to:

  • Uncover the source of rising costs and provide an opportunity to re-engage employees
  • Track the success of new initiatives put in place with Springbuk Timeline
  • Be armed with the right information at the right time to prevent disease with data
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