Actionable Insights, Expert Support, Strategic Guidance

Springbuk’s Analytic and Strategic Consulting (ASC) team provides expert guidance on population health programs, trend analysis, and strategic planning to optimize your benefits strategy.

Data-Driven Expertise at Your Fingertips

Complementing our health data analytics platform, our experienced team offers support with:
- Custom reporting
- In-depth data analysis
- Insightful visualizations
- Strategic recommendations

Expert Guidance for Plan Design

Access clinicians, health analytic consultants, and data scientists to inform your benefits decisions.

Uncovering Hidden Opportunities

We'll identify key trends and opportunities in your data, contextualized with industry insights.

Adapting to Workforce Needs

Our team offers additional support to help guide you through actionable insights and understand the true needs of your employee population.

Customized Benefits Reporting

The ASC team is here to help you create tailored reports that highlight critical metrics and program progress for stakeholder presentations.

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Analytic and Strategic Consulting + Advanced Reporting

Springbuk Advanced Reporting empowers you to:
- Add depth and insight to your analysis
- Access raw data for custom reporting
- Build flexible, accessible reports in a data warehouse environment
- Make data-driven decisions with confidence

Key Benefits:
- Strategic benefits design support
- Cost optimization insights
- Employee health trend analysis
- ROI demonstration tools
- Customized reporting for various stakeholders
- Proactive identification of health and cost-saving opportunities

Request a Demo

Make Confident, Data-Driven Benefits Vendor Selections

A consulting firm had been actively working with their client’s Health and Wellness Committee to justify the cost for a wellness vendor but lacked the data sets needed to receive buy-in. In this client success story, learn how Springbuk empowered the firm and their client to:

  • Build a custom risk factor analysis that included metrics around gaps in care and the Springbuk proprietary financial forecast and risk scoring models.
  • Report on various compliance gaps and opportunities to mitigate the risk of future disease.
  • Be armed with the right information to implement a wellness vendor and begin building a 3-year wellness strategy that would become more robust each year.
Read the Case Study