Measure the Impact of Your Health and Well-being Programs

Learn how U-Haul's partnership with Springbuk helped identify 1200 members with a diabetic gap in care, demonstrating an opportunity for $7 million in savings opportunities in the Springbuk platform.

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Measure the Impact of Your Health and Well-being Programs

Although their program is less than five years old, in 2020, U-Haul earned 15th in the national rankings of the Healthiest 100 Workplaces in America.

Learn how U-Haul's partnership with Springbuk helped identify 1200 members with a diabetic gap in care, demonstrating an opportunity for $7 million in savings opportunities in the Springbuk platform, including:

  • The role data plays in crafting one of the nation's top well-being programs
  • Advice they have for emerging workplace wellness leaders
  • How they will continue to evolve their current offerings and plan for the future
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