When you’re looking to implement a health benefits management solution, you spend months evaluating options and connecting with various stakeholders. This Analytics Vendor Evaluation assessment can help you choose.

Once you’ve chosen a solution, the implementation process begins. For many, this can be one of the largest challenges when bringing on a new solution. From paperwork and vendor authorizations to data processes and loads - the implementation timeline can feel daunting.

At Springbuk, our Implementation team has created a seamless process to kick-start your journey to achieving true health intelligence.

The Journey to Health Intelligence

Health intelligence is having the data you need to make decisions but also having something behind it to help you make the right decisions. And a big component of these data-driven decisions is ensuring you’re set up for success the second onboarding starts.

When the implementation process begins, we equip you with a variety of resources through our Partner Central portal. This becomes the single source of truth for any documentation needed, checklists for onboarding, and video guides to help become acquainted with the platform.

A key differentiator at Springbuk is that our team makes all of the materials available to you on day one. We want to get you up and running as efficiently as possible so you can begin acting on opportunities when your data has been ingested and processed.

As our team works through their paperwork, we encourage you to use the portal to submit any additional groups or employee subsets you’d like included in their first data load. This is especially important for any of our consulting clients who work with various employers and need the option to go back and add new groups.

Relentless Transparency

A common theme throughout every team at Springbuk is the transparent and continuous communication we have with our customers. When you’re going through the implementation process, you are able to easily track the completion status of each step in the partner portal.

As we complete the first phase of paperwork and data authorization, we begin reaching out to you to initiate the data load process. In preparation to ingest your data into the Springbuk platform, our team personally reaches out to your vendors – be it a TPA, PBM, or wellness vendor. Once we have confirmation from the vendors, much like the cross-functional teamwork in other departments, we’ll loop in our data teams to understand if we can begin loading the data through a pre-built data feed.

From time to time, our Data Engineers will need to create new data feeds and data mapping rules. This agile ability to quickly scale our data feeds is a testament to the framework Springbuk has built. We’ve designed a cloud-based architecture that is nimble, agile, and scalable, allowing us to run multi-sourced data on-demand with increased flexibility and speed.

After we’ve mapped and normalized the data, enrichment occurs by incorporating industry-standard episode grouping, risk grouping, and evidence-based medicine. We then take it one step further by using proprietary data science methodologies that include AI-based opportunities and event detection algorithms. Once the data has been mapped, normalized, and enriched, it’s pushed into the platform where customers can log in and begin acting on opportunities.

Innovation in Implementation

Over the years, as Springbuk has added 1,000+ new employers each year, we as an Implementation team have looked for ways that we can meet the scale of this growth.

On average, it takes about six months for most other health data analytics solutions to be fully implemented. At Springbuk, we’re able to implement some of our new groups in just 90 days. A big reason we’re capable of achieving that timeline is the project management the Implementation team conducts. Not only are we communicating with you on the data feeds you’d like loaded, but we’re also reaching out to multiple sources to obtain the paperwork, agreements, and files we need to legally begin the data process.

Helping You Achieve Health Intelligence

In Implementation, we’ve realized that we are the first building block to helping you achieve health intelligence. At any given time, we’re implementing 700 or more employer groups. To help streamline our processes, we started looking at areas we could condense. We realized that if we focused on minimizing the steps with our vendors, we could save countless days in our timelines. Our team worked internally to see which file formats we needed, which vendors we specifically needed for each of those files, and how quickly we could anticipate receiving that information.

After a year or so of this new approach, we looked back on previous timelines and began benchmarking. We found that it used to take us 180 days on average for the entire implementation process. In 2021, our average is 87 days for data sources we already have feeds and mapping rules.

And while our new timeline is exciting, the most important part of our new processes is the value we’re able to give our customers. As our platform has scaled, we’ve been able to take in new data feeds that empower our users with even more information. So much of the insight they have helps give them a proactive approach to their benefits. We’re not working in basic medical, Rx, and biometrics claims data anymore. We’re able to tailor the data feeds they want from their specialty vendors.

No two employer populations are the same, and their health data analytics solution shouldn’t be either. At Springbuk, we’re truly putting the customization and answers they need at their fingertips.

Unsung Health Intelligence Heros

On our team, so much of our work goes on behind the scenes. Our priority is that each customer has a consistently efficient experience as they are onboarded. Because when our job is done, our customers are ready to gain the health intelligence they need to start preventing disease with data.

Want to learn more about our data quality processes or health data analytics solution? Schedule some time with us.